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Aquaman DC Make all the sushi jokes YouTube spoofs and SNL sketches you want Aquamans been an icon for over seventy years The King of the Seven Seas World War III (DC Comics) - Wikipedia World War III is the title of two comic book sagas published by DC Comics and involving many of the superheroes of the DC Universe The first was published in 2000 as Aquaman - Wikipedia Aquaman is een superheld uit de strips van DC Comics Hij werd bedacht door Paul Norris en Mort Weisinger en maakte zijn debuut in More Fun Comics 73 (november 1941) Aquaman - Wikipedia Aquaman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics Created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger the character debuted in More Aquaman (Arthur Curry) DC Database Fandom powered by Wikia Aquaman cedes his throne and becomes a super-hero full-time Running from the law Aquaman and his family established a new Aquacave as their hideout Aquaman - Wikipedia Aquaman; Universo: Universo DC: Lingua orig Inglese: Alter ego: Arthur Curry nato Orin: Autori: Mort Weisinger; Paul Norris; Editore: DC Comics: 1 app novembre 1941 Aquaman Wikipdia Aquaman est un super-hros appartenant l'univers de DC Comics et le hros de la srie du mme nom Il a t cr par Paul Norris et Mort Weisinger dans Aquaman (Arthur Curry) - Fandom powered by Wikia History Origin Aquaman born as Orin to Atlantis Queen Atlanna and the mysterious wizard Atlan was abandoned on Mercy Reef as a baby because of his blonde hair Aquaman Wikipdia a enciclopdia livre Aquaman; Outro(s) nome(s) Arthur Curry Arthur Curry II Orin: Espcie: Atlante: Ocupao: Rei de Atlntida: Afiliaes: Liga da Justia Os Outros: Famlia Aquaman DC Database Fandom powered by Wikia Aquaman also known as Arthur Curry and Orin is a superhero and the ruler of the seas As the king of Atlantis and other undersea territories he technically
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